Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Stiletto Project! New Conference Series for 2011

"The Stiletto Project" is our newest conference offering! By the title, many of you will already know why I am excited for this new concept. :)

My heart is to help women 1) understand how much God loves them 2) understand the word of God, and 3) understand and embrace the unique destiny God has planned. I believe that understanding these three basics will result in a purposeful life as God intended.

I use the term "walking out our destiny" quite frequently. It means, choosing daily who we are going to be - as well as who we are not going to be within the context of following God's plan. There are days when I'm just not "feeling it," so to speak. Sometimes I doubt, I have fear about really embracing what God has called me to do and I question the plan. "What if I fail?" is one of the questions that often times brings a level of trepidation in my heart and mind.

Isn't it true that many times, it's the "what ifs" that will make us hesitate and lack trust? "What if I do this...and it's the wrong thing?" or "What if I try this again and I get hurt?" are just a couple of the doubting questions that can enter our thoughts.

Instead of thinking "what if," try thinking, "and if." For instance, "And if I fail..." poses a question which allows for a natural response. The truth is, there are things in life that will not go the way we've planned. There will be people who will disappoint, hurt, offend, criticize no matter what. Why does it seem easier to dwell on possibilities of failure rather than consider possibilities of success?

If I understand the word of God at all, it clearly states over and again that His plans for us are good. Period. He never tricks us or leads us down a path without the final outcome being one of success. That being said, it doesn't mean that during the journey, we won't encounter trials and tests along the way. Oftentimes, we get stuck when the journey becomes tough and can find outselves questioning whether we heard from God at all! It always brings me comfort to know that God has planned each step, He holds my hand while I'm on the journey and has the finish mark in plain sight - even if I cannot see it.

With this truth in mind, we can then apply the "and ifs" of life to our questions! "And if I fail...God still will remain faithful," or "And if I get hurt in the process...God will heal my heart." Doesn't that bring a sense of peace rather than the anxiety of the "what ifs"?

As we introduce our new ministry concept in 2011, I covet your prayers. Believe me, the enemy is quick to remind me of the "what ifs" concerning this new venture.

God has placed some amazing women along my path! It is such an honor to share His goodness, His faithfulness and His grace everywhere I go. God loves us so much. He has a journey through this life that is to be walked out with purpose, courage and faith...and with stilettos, of course!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Calm in the Midst of the Storm

During the series of events last week, I was reminded of Jesus' encounter with the disciples in the boat...during a storm. What's interesting to me is that Jesus slept during the storm while those around him panicked, operated in fear and tried to solve the problem themselves. However, Jesus slept. He wasn't sleeping lightly - the disciples actually had to go below and wake him up in order to help with the storm surrounding. He slept. He rested. He knew that God was in control of the wind, rain, lightening and thunder. He slept. Others panicked.

This past week has been a storm. There's really not another way to capture the week rather than simply stating the truth. It was hard. It was painful. It was surreal - but also very, very tangible.

James had a week of tests, more tests, blood work, two surgery procedures and finally the first chemotherapy treatment. It was a storm. We are in a battle, that is very clear. We are challenged to trust the Lord and stand firm in who He is in the midst of this. While we stand in faith of the power of Christ to deliver through this, in our hearts / emotions we fluctuate from hope to fear at times. It's the "what ifs?" that cause the fluctuation.

Watching our 20 year old son navigate through this new present reality has been both painful and amazing. We have seen the fruit of James' personal realtionship with Christ bring strength to himself as well as to others who are watching. We have received emails of both those who have cancer and those who are healthy that have been encouraged by his approach to this diagnosis.

When in a storm, we think it's wrong to question or wonder why we are experiencing the hardship. I believe that questioning the "why's" of our storm can be the most powerful time as a believer. Why? Because when we are vulnerable with our true self as we bring those concerns before the Lord, asking the hard questions, we are then forced to wait for His answer. His answer is always filled with peace, purpose and destiny. Those answers provide the strength, courage and faith we need in order to take the next step in the journey.

When the disciples woke Jesus, it doesn't say that he was angry with them for asking for help or for being fearful. It was a REAL storm! He simply replied, "Where is your faith?". In other words, Jesus is reminding them of who He is, how powerful He is and reminding them of that very truth. There is no way Jesus would have been asleep if he thought that the disciples lives would have been endangered. That would be in opposition to the very heart of God. He reminded them to trust - not fear. It's difficult when in the moment to forget that God ultimately knows the outcome and can be trusted. He is a good Father. He is faithful, true and knows nothing other than integrity to who He is.

That truth speaks loudly as we are in this season. I have shared with others that we feel as though we are in the eye of the storm. The calm and peace are surrounding us while this situation is raging around us. It is the "perfect" storm, in my opinion.

The bottom line is...God is in control. He is not pacing, wringing His hands together in fear over this situation with James. He is resting. He is at peace. He is interceding for us. He knows what He is capable of performing in this storm.

My hope at the end of this journey is that we all come out of this refined and more filled with an understanding of peace and provision of Christ that we have ever known. The young man that I dedicated to the Lord 20 years ago still belongs to the Lord. We cannot surrender and control at the same time. (although I would like to:)

Thank you for your prayers in our journey. We had great news in the bone marrow results - no cancer in the bone! Amen and hallelujah! James is still in Stage 3 Hodgkin's - but we are thankful that it is not Stage 4. God has shown himself mighty in this!

Walking through the stilettos, of course!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Journey - With Stilettos!

As I write this post, I can hardly believe the steps of the journey we are now embracing. My youngest son, James, is now in surgery to have a port installed in his chest as well as a bilateral bone marrow biopsy.

A few days before Christmas, James went to the doctor for what we thought was kidney or gallstone pain. Within hours, we learned that James has Lymphoma. We were stunned, speechless, sad, but completely surrounded by this unexplainable peace.

It was very surreal for both George and me to watch our son as the doctor shared information about having cancer. I thought, "Cancer?", certainly this cannot be real. As I watched James' face while receiving this news, I was filled with many thoughts. This is the same little boy that I carried, birthed, baked cookies, watched graduate, mentored, disciplined, and most of all loved deeply. No longer a child, but a man navigating his way through life with everything ahead of him. His journey is now encompassing a season that we did not anticipate - which includes cancer.

So many times, life will take twists and turns that we don't expect and honestly do not want. This would be one of those times. During the past two weeks, we have had opportunity to try and wrap our minds around this news and the journey that now is ahead. James has Hodgkin's Lymphoma and will undergo six months of chemotherapy. While the prognosis is excellent, the road ahead will be challenging on many levels.

Friends and family have asked me, "Stephanie, what word has the Lord given to you in this?". Those who know me well, know that the Lord often provides a specific word for me to stand on while going through seasons such as these. My reply was very simple, "The Lord has reminded me that 'He is mighty in battle'". Maybe not as profound as some might expect, but none the less, this truth has impacted my heart on so levels.

"He is mighty in battle". The Lord reminded me that this is a battle - something serious and something which to be engaged. It is a physical, spiritual and emotional battle. As I have mediated on this phrase, the Lord has also reminded me that "He has trained our hands for war". In other words, we are equipped and prepared to handle this - as is James. Thirdly, the awesome reminder that He, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, is MIGHTY. He is not forgetful, weak, filled with fear, or even surprised with this news. He is mighty. He is victorious - every time. He doesn't lose or even have weak people on His team.

God holds us. God is good. He is faithful and true. Just because our journey has taken an unexpected turn, does not mean that God has changed, only the circumstances in which He will make himself mighty.

As a Christian women's speaker, my heart and "banner" is to teach / impart to women the indescribable love that God has for them, to walk in victory (wearing stilettos if at all possible), and to walk out their personal destiny without fear - but with confidence and boldness.

As I walk through this season with my son and family, I am reminded of the very same truths from which I minister. God loves us more than we could ever realize, that we will walk this out in victory and boldness, and will capture this part of our destiny with the boldness and confidence. God is able. And of course, I am wearing stilettos for the journey. :) I am his daughter and I am thankful for the Father and His extravagant love for me and for our whole family.

Wearing stilettos,