Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Students, Hope, Encouragement and Promises!

Romans 15:4
"Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled."

What a powerful scripture! There are several truths captured within this one verse.

1) We are students
The older I become, the more I realize how little I actually know! The scriptures given long ago were given to teach us. They teach us who God is, what His character contains, and how to become more like Him - and so much more!

A few years ago, I was introduced to inductive Bible study by very dear friends, Vic and Carolyn Talbert. Vic and Carolyn are veterans in studying the word of God and I respect them so much. Vic invited me to attend a training of inductive study at Precept Ministries in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Kay Arthur has led this ministry for years and given her life to teach others how to study the Word of God. I was excited to have this opportunity.

After about 30 minutes of my first class at Precept, I was elated and touched by the depth in the Word of God that I was taught. I have been reading the Bible since elementary school - but had never heard it taught so simply and yet so richly before. There were texts that I have read literally hundreds of times that suddenly came to life when studying this way. Learning to study inductively has single-handedly transformed not on the way I study but the way I teach in my conferences.

2) The scriptures give us hope and encouragement
We need hope and encouragement! It is so refreshing to know that no matter what I may face, God's Word has already spoken and provided hope / encouragement for my life. Not only that, knowing His Word provides opportunity to speak hope / encouragement into the lives of others.

3) We wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled.
I'm not the best at waiting patiently, I must confess. I would like the result now rather than later, please! However, when we exercise patience we are building our character and building trust in the promises of God. It's normal to have an ebb and flow of trust while waiting on God. Some moments I wonder, "will God come through?" and then other moments I have resounding, "Yes! God you are able!" resonating in my heart. The trust factor that is built while waiting teaches me to depend on the Word of God and not circumstances which in turn, brings spiritual maturity that I need.

I love that this scripture says, "God promises TO BE fulfilled" and not, "God's promises MAY BE fulfilled". We can take God at His word and have confidence that He is a man of integrity and will come through with what He's promised. I am so thankful for this.

Are you waiting on a promise to be fulfilled? Do you need the hope and encouragement that comes from the scriptures? Do you need to be a more diligent student in the Word of God?

You have all been so faithful to pray for our family. How can we pray for you??

We love you and are thankful for your prayers, love and concern. We are waiting on the promises of God to be fulfilled in healing our sweet son. Thank you for standing with us.



Paula Dierking said...

Thank you Stephanie!
Your words have touched me when nothing has been able to reach my poor bruised heart.

deborah sue s. hicks said...

i have always thought why oh why did i have to have 3 fathers? none of them was a christian. saw no CHRIST in their lives. they just made more trouble for me, with me already have had polio.

Stephanie said...

Deborah - Please email me at I would love to chat with you privately.