Monday, April 2, 2012

Sole Testimonies!

SOLE Testimonies!

Several years ago, I began focusing my conference teaching in the area of realizing one’s personal destiny from the Lord. It has been so exciting to have conference girlfriends share with me, even years later, how they have realized God’s plan for their lives and have begun to “walk” out that plan…in stilettos, of course!

Colossians 1:10, “to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”

Personally, this teaching really came to a deeper truth when my son, James, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma two years ago. I found my “walk” taking me to places I never thought I would go and never wanted to go–especially not with one of my children. What I’ve come to understand in much greater depth is this: Our destiny is not designed by us, but designed by God. While there may be some turns in the road that we don’t expect, it doesn’t mean that God’s plan for us has suddenly changed. God’ plan for us is, in fact, being realized as we walk in obedience, strength, trust and faith though the hard places in the journey.

The morning of our first visit with James’ doctor at Rocky Mountain Cancer Center, I really wanted to wear my pajamas, put my hair in a ponytail and wear flip flops! I was hurting. Our world had been rocked by James’ diagnosis and I honestly wanted to lie on the floor and cry. However, while I was getting dressed, the Lord reminded me of His plan for my life – and for James as well. He spoke to me and said, “Walk in a manner worthy of your calling, Stephanie”. In other words, the plans of the Lord had not changed. He was still in control and at work. I considered this truth and then selected a pair of leopard stilettos to wear to the cancer center! My reasoning? I wanted the enemy to realize that no matter what, we were going to trust God and trust His plan, even if we didn’t understand the circumstance. My stilettos were a reminder of this truth.

For the past two years, I have worn my high heels to doctor’s appointments, chemotherapy appointments, tests, scans, and even during a three week stay during James' bone marrow transplant in the hospital. Me, my stilettos and focus on God’s promise over my destiny and the destiny of my son as well has become the norm of our season.

Recently, I’ve added another element of my stiletto-destiny-walk! In II Samuel, David writes about his stance with his enemy, Saul, and the victory God gave him. David reminds us of the truth that his enemy,and our enemy alike, resides in the same place - under our feet!
II Samuel 22: 34-41:“He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, And sets me on my high places. He trains my hands for battle, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, And Your help makes me great. You enlarge my steps under me, And my feet have not slipped. I pursued my enemies and destroyed them, And I did not turn back until they were consumed. And I have devoured them and shattered them, so that they did not rise; And they fell under my feet. “Under my feet” translated means, “under my subjection or rule”.

While meditating on this scripture, I found a sharpie pen and decided to write letters on the bottom of my shoe. I wanted to make sure that the enemy (who is under my feet) could read my message loud and clear! My first message was “C.B.G”, which stands for “Cancer - Be Gone!” The second message I wrote was “W.O.M.D.” which stands for “Walking Out My Destiny!” It may sound silly to some, but to have a tangible way to “walk” in victory and with the promises God inscribed has been a powerful tool in my life!

I’ve encouraged other women who are also facing trials to write similar messages on the soles of their shoes! There have been situations where friends are going through terrible circumstances at work who have written scripture about being a daughter of God on their shoes. There are others who battle fear who have inscribed scriptures about faith. It has turned into a really compelling theme! It makes me so excited to see others standing in victory over situations that otherwise could be devastating. God’s word is SO powerful!

I’ve decided that it would be a fun project to compile these testimonies and photos of shoes into a devotional called, “SOLE Testimonies”. It will feature photos and stories of other courageous women who are walking out their destiny – no matter what!

Are you walking through something that seems impossible? Do you feel overwhelmed by life? Are you experiencing difficulty in a particularly tough season? Or, are you standing in the gap for someone else’s burden? Write your message on the bottom of your shoe and walk out your destiny! Refuse the temptation to feel defeated or forgotten in your circumstance. God has an amazing plan for your life! He has equipped you, empowered you and gifted you to handle this season.

Walk out YOUR destiny…in stilettos…and with a strong message of victory! Send me your photo and testimony! It would be an honor to pray you through your time and see how God works!

In my stilettos!


Pam Boyd said...

I absolutely LOVE this idea!! Sole testimonies rock!! Let's ALL leave God's declaration on our soles!

Amy said...

Stephanie I was directed to your blog by a friend. I feel we are kindred spirits. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on February 13th. About 10 minutes after the words sank in, I felt completely at peace and ready to walk this road God had planned for me. We are kindred spirits...I too LOVE shoes and figured I've got the shoes why not wear them. I am even having a pair hand painted by an artist friend depicting the lyrics to the song He Makes Beautiful Things...I am hoping that my soles will have an opportunity to touch someone else's soul.
Thanks for the encouragement!